As a long serving member of the EU, how has membership benefited the UK? Fuck all.

Moderator: Admin


Postby Admin » Tue Mar 26, 2019 12:19 pm

Britain's exit should not be delayed, we need to control our finances, our borders and our laws.

All MP's who wish to remain in Europe, against the majority wishes of their constituents should be de- selected.

Having watched closely the behaviour of The EU unelected representatives mocking our Prime Minister and treating her as third rate has been sickening. She has kept her composure despite the battering from our so called allies and our own MP's. Despite what the interfering Speaker has said, some of our MP's are traitors. Ever since we joined in 1973, I have opposed our membership, I was once even a supporter of the BNP purely because they were the only party trying to get us out of Europe, long before UKIP.

The liar Blair interfering yet again in the hope that a job is in it for him, he doesn't care two hoots for Britain, he eats sleeps and drinks his own self importance.

We have suffered a generation of oppression from the EU going back to the lies of Ted Heath, he knew precisely where the EEC was going and what the destiny entailed, but he still lied to us.

For Britain's sake and our future generations please sign this petition:

We must get out of the EU, or this country will suffer the consequences of betrayal. 17 million people could get very, very angry.........
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